Welcome to the About Us page of Use N Eat, where we are proud to announce our partnership with Edible Cutlery in tackling the issue of single-use cutlery. As we reflect on the origins of plastic, it becomes evident that it was initially intended to alleviate the burden on resources like paper and bamboo. However, the unforeseen consequences have led us to reimagine the possibilities. With our collaborative efforts, we strive to create a positive shift towards sustainable solutions.

Conventional options such as paper and bamboo, while seemingly eco-friendly, consume significant amounts of water and energy during their production. Even reusable cutlery demands water for cleaning and maintenance. In stark contrast, our Edible Cutlery emerges as a paradigm of zero-waste innovation.

Crafted meticulously from 100% plant-based, nut-free, and multigrain ingredients, our Edible Cutlery not only offers a delectable and nutritious experience but also eliminates the need for disposal altogether. It stands as a true embodiment of the circular economy, as it can be consumed after use or effortlessly composted, breaking down naturally within a mere 14 days.

The partnership between Use N Eat and Edible Cutlery marks a pivotal moment in the fight against wasteful consumption. Together, we are breaking free from the cycle, presenting a sustainable alternative that seamlessly integrates convenience, taste, and environmental consciousness.

Join us on this transformative journey as we pave the way towards a greener future, where every meal becomes a testament to mindful choices. Together, we can shape a world where the act of dining fosters not only nourishment for ourselves but also a healthier, more sustainable planet for future generations.

Our Mission

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Our Vision

Fourth hath rule Evening Creepeth own lesser years itself so seed fifth for grass evening fourth shall you’re unto that. Had. Female replenish for yielding so saw all one to yielding grass you’ll air sea it, open waters subdue, hath.

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